As I walked into Sandy Hook Elementary School for a
chess tournament on April 8th, I saw a Ben’s Bell’s “Be Kind” mosaic. It took my breath away! I was moved to think about our “Be Kind”
poster, which always affirms us as we walk back into our Classroom Community,
to choose Kindness and Love in all that we do.
I was further reminded of this lesson on Good Friday. I was driving back to New Canaan, and my
mysterious, mystical GPS guided me through downtown Darien, of all places. I was stopped at a red light, when I turned
to my left and noticed a Good Friday procession making its way past. The leader, toiling under the weight of a
very heavy, wooden cross, was flanked by about 50 people from all walks of
life. I wondered what other burdens or
crosses these modern-day disciples were bearing within the context of their
everyday lives.
mornings in Newtown as I work the front door at St. Rose's, students and teachers walk
in from outside carrying all sorts of burdens.
Sometimes, they are weighed down with books, bags and knapsacks. Sometimes, the burdens aren’t so tangible. I try to give each person a loving smile,
crack a lame joke or offer to shoulder a load.
As people of Faith, we are called to be Light and Love to all of those
we come in contact with on a daily basis;
some days it’s easier than others!
Someone once said, “Be kind- Everyone you meet is
fighting a hard battle.”
I thought deeply about all of this when I walked into Sandy Hook
Elementary School on April 8th.