On Tuesday, June 18, 2009, my friend and hostess Noreen and I went to Mass. It was Father Palomino's last day before his transfer to Chambersburg. Then it was time to drop off Ian at Basketball camp at Mount St. Mary's. I wrote about Mount St. Mary's in last year's blog. I love this University. There is a peacefulness that permeates this very special place. It looks like the programs are not going to work for Colin at this point, but Ian might be a nice match depending on which area he chooses to pursue. If you didn't get a chance to check this out last year, do it this year. http://www.msmary.edu/
We dropped Ian off and were headed south to North Carolina. We were going to be staying with my buddy Michelle, who having transferred from Vermont to North Carolina, is in the process of building their new home. We drove to Raleigh-Durham, located Michelle's apartment, met her black lab Bella, had an awesome dinner and then drove to check out construction. The red clay of North Carolina will stay with us for quite sometime, literally and figuratively. I have never seen anything like it. The dog at the house next door had white patches that were RED! We drove by the UNC campus, and it looked beautiful from the road. We were supposed to tour it on Thursday, but Matt and Colin decided that UNC was more on Ian's list. We decided to cut our North Carolina trip short and return to Gettysburg on Thursday.
Wednesday morning dawned a scorcher, but it was nice to see the sun. We decided to head over to the Duke Campus and have lunch there. This campus is magnificent. The architecture is the most spectacular campus I have ever seen. Our tour guide said something to the effect that he feels like Harry Potter here every day because the campus almost looks like Hogwart. We went to the tour and information session, and there were students there from all over the country. Amazing. There must have been at least 60 people in all, so they split us up into three groups. I loved it. They also talked about the fact that about 85% of Duke graduates make it in to medical school within the first year about graduating with their undergraduate degree. I will add in some additional pictures.
Sorry I have fallen behind on my blog. We have since arrived in Vermont, but my Dad has been back in the hospital! I will keep plugging away as I am able. Stay tuned for more adventures like....guess who I found behind the desk at ICU?