Hi, Everyone-
What would my blog be without mentioning something about my "adventures" with technology, right? Right! Well, Tuesday night one of my caring friends and neighbors suggested that perhaps I should borrow their GPS unit for our trip. (Perhaps she has heard of my notorious ability to get lost at all hours of the day or night.) I was hesitant, but later assured with..."you can't break it." After a short orientation, I cradled it back to the parsonage.
Ian and I were working in the classroom on Thursday, so we decided to take the ol' Garmin unit out for a spin. Nicknamed "Garrrrrrrrrrr" (spoken like a pirate, of course) we began speaking to the GPS much like Robin Williams does in the film RV to his GPS unit "Lola." Ian and I drove to Hartington and back without a hitch! We were feeling a little proud. What is that famous saying about "pride..."?
Later that night as we were delivering another batch of our famous (or perhaps infamous) cookies out into the country, we excitedly suggested to one another that we give ol' Garrrrrrrr another spin! As we headed out to the Hammond Dairy, I remarked to Ian that I thought that I remembered it being on the opposite side of Route 20 than the way Garrrrrrrr was sending us. We persevered, trusting in the calm, cool tones of Garrrrrrrr's electronic voice. As we drove up to the STARKEL farm, just as the sun was setting, Patty assured me that we were, in fact, on the wrong side of Route 20 and very, very far away from our destination. A silent tear shuttered down my cheek, and I looked forlornly at Garrrrrrrr. Betrayed by technology....AGAIN! We persevered thanks to Patty's hospitable directions, and Ian's steady hands on the wheel over those gravel roads! Indeed we made it to the Hammond Dairy before the Rooster went off, but what an adventure...
Throughout the course of our summer travels, perhaps I will invite our friends and family to offer a guest blog. I am sure Ian would have much to say in his own voice and perspective on our Thursday night adventures or my foibles. Until then...
It was a good learning experience. I think that as we journey forth, I will utilize both my AAA maps and Garrrrrrrr. The best of both worlds will get us where we are going...God willing! Amen... Mrs. Fallon
You should check out www.geocaching.com if you really want to have fun and "adventures" with Garrrrrrrr!
ReplyDeleteThat is on our list of things to do! Remind me of the website where I can find some of these along our way!