The day of Colin's last High School Graduation Party dawned brightly and beautifully. The party was at the beach pavilion, so we carted everything down there. When we started to set up, there was a squirrel/chipmunk who started hanging around... stalking us really. He was a nervy little booger. Racing up and down the beams of the pavilion, he made us chase him. Although this squirrel picture is from Google images, our chipmunk/squirrel had as much of an attitude. He did provide a lot of comic entertainment...I should try and download his video! He will never be the same after looking down the look the barrel of Mimi's cane!
As people started to arrive, there was so much to catch up. It had been a year since we had seen most everyone and, not only was our time in Vermont coming to an end, Colin's heading off to college signaled the end of an era. Through the years, this group of friends and family have gathered for his birthday and sacramental parties to support him through those rites of passage. Many people have come and some have gone, but this cohort has lifted him up to love and guide him. Those rites of passage were the scaffolding that led him here- Colin is all grown up now.
And Ian is right on his heels...
Thanks to everyone who made it such a special day for Colin! Thanks, Elaine for suggesting I take some pictures! I wish we all could have stayed just a little bit longer and maybe time would have stayed still ...
by Jackson Browne
by Jackson Browne

Let the roadies take the stage
Pack it up and tear it down
They're the first to come and the last to leave
Working for that minimum wage
They'll set it up in another town
Tonight the people were so fine
They waited there in line
And when they got up on their feet,
They made the show, and that was sweet,
But I can hear the sound of slamming doors and folding chairs
and that's a sound they'll never know
Now roll them cases and lift them amps
and haul them truses up and get'um up them ramps
'Cause when it comes to moving me,
you know you guys are the champs
but when that last guitar's been packed away,
you know that I still want to play.
So just make sure you got it all set to go
before you come for my piano
But the band's on the bus,
and they're waiting to go.
We gotta drive all night
And do the show in Chicago... or Detroit.
I don't know, we do so many shows in a row.
And these towns all look the same.
we just pass the time in the hotel rooms
and wander around backstage.
Till those lights come up, and we hear that crowd,
and we remember why we came.
Now we got country and western on the bus,
R & B, we got disco in 8-tracks and cassettes in stereo
We've got rural scenes and magazines
And we've got truckers on CB
We got Richard Pryor on the video
We've got time to think of the ones we love
While the miles roll away
but the only time that seems too short is the time that we get to play
People you've got the power over what we do
You can sit there and wait
or you can pull us through.
Come along, sing this song
You know that you can't go wrong
'Cause when that mornin' sun comes beating down
you're gonna wake up in your town
But we'll be scheduled to appear
a thousand miles away from here
People stay just a little bit longer
We want to play -- just a little bit longer
Now the promoter don't mind
And the union don't mind
If we take a little time
And we leave it all behind and sing
One more song
Oh won’t you stay just a little bit longer
Please, please, please say you will
Say you will
Oh won’t you stay just a little bit longer
Oh please, please stay just a little bit more
Now the promoter don’t mind
And the roadies don’t mind
If we take a little time
And we leave this all behind and sing
One more song
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