We left Mom and Dad Fallon's and headed north to Concord (www.concordortho.com) for a visit with our old friend Dr. Moran. We love Dr. Moran. Dr. Moran called to say that it was time to do a recheck on Ian's menisci. After all, it had been nearly five years since we had seen him, and Ian's two meniscus repairs in 2001 and 2003 seemed like a life time ago. You know the old expression, "if it ain't broke don't fix it"? Well, that really seemed to apply to this situation... or so we thought.
After an hour of MRIs and xrays, the air was thick with suspense as the films came onto the screen in front of us. I couldn't help but marvel about the fact that through the years, the technology in the Concord Orthopaedics office had really changed. Ian had to have MRIs on his knees since he was a baby. I remembered when we would have the MRIs done, we would lug an envelope, which was bigger than he was, around from appointment to appointment. On this day, Ian had the MRIs done at the Concord Hospital, and they were emailed to the surgeon's office across the street. Later that day when we took our copy, the images were all being held on a compact disc. Times change... they change with technology and with knee surgeries.
The images delivered the bad news before Dr. Moran spoke. The MRIs showed that while the medial menisci repairs were there seeming to do their jobs on both knees, the lateral menisci were noticeably absent- the bones already showing the wear and disintegration. I winced in pain just looking at the pictures. Although Ian insisted that he was not in discomfort, plans would need to be made to address the findings. A whirlwind of recommendations swirled around us as we met with surgeons that day and even now into the present time as we await our consultation with a surgeon out here in the Midwest. It is all in God's, and subsequently, the surgeons' hands.
I believe that God is the almighty physician, who can and does heal all infirmities. I think that doctors are powerful agents of peace. What an incredible gift to be able to be heal people physically, while at the same time showing love, compassion and understanding. We are blessed.
Ian will run this race wherever it takes him, and he will use it for good. "Let Us Run With Perseverance The Race That Is Set Before Us..." (Hebrews 11 and 12:1,2)
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