Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Under St. Peter's Bascilica

Under St. Peter's Bascilica
- The Vatican Necropolis

     Although we were not allowed to take pictures on this Scavi tour, this was probably one of the coolest experiences ever!  In my mind, I was taking a pilgrimage to St. Peter's tomb, but, like every single experience on this pilgrimage, it ended up being so much more.  Walking through these narrow tunnels, I was reminded of the Ancient Civilizations, the ancient people, whom we studied all year long.   Each civilization was built upon the remains of those who came before.  
     Our tour guide told us multiple stories about how various sections of the Necropolis were discovered, preserved and analyzed.  Each layer uncovered allowed archaelogists to know more and assimilate the new information with the old.  So too with our pilgrimage- each place, each experience and each interaction on this journey allowed us to mine truth and inspiration from our past and connect it with our life's mission. 

Here is their virtual tour of the Vatican Necropolis

Here are more great graphics!





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